St. Anthony of Padua
CAPITELLO - 12,13 june Go to Village

In capitello the main celebrations are in honor of st. Anthony of padua on 12 and 13 june. During the first day takes place the famous "procession of the bread", many participants come from all over italy and bring baskets filled with bread that is blessed and then distributed to family and loved ones. On the second day we celebrate the mass, it continues with a procession through the streets of the town. According to tradition in the afternoon, we are organizing the "raffle" auction with items and local products that are donated to raise funds. At the end of the auction, it is returned to its chapel the statue of the saint and end the festivities with a long and impressive fireworks display accompanied by a concert of light music.

Cultural Association "Cilento on the road"

Via S. Anna, 20 - 84050 Rocca Cilento (SA) - Italy