We miss sure news on the feudal passages before the '700 when the feud from Francis Morrà passed to Isabella Morrà and then from this to Marianna Alliata (d. 13 March 1777). From this last to the prince Fabrizio Alliata (14 January 1778). Pacichelli informs only about the population of 35 fires ( 175 people) before and in the following numeration of 32 (160 people). Antonini, after having mentioned the place said Fulgente (opposite part of the Antilia) with ruins of a castle and some caves « sign that in the turbid centuries people were reduced to live there », says of Forìa (« the Foria ») village surrounded by fertile grounds (olive-groves) despite the shortage of water. Galanti says that the population amounted to 364 inhabitants, while Alfano assigns 368 inhabitants to the feud of the principles Alliata Colonna. Giustiniani puts the village 50 miles away from Salerno on a hill with good pastures. To his times the village counted 400 inhabitants, all agriculturists and shepherds, and it was feud of the principles Alliata of Villafranca. He also furnishes us the data of the censuses from 1532 to the 1669.
LATITUDE: 40.0902924
LONGITUDE: 15.323249099999998