The Project

From the heart of the Opera is born this portal “CILENTO ON THE ROAD”.
The ambitious project is based on the knowledge that this extraordinary land is still virgin to the most people and should be better know and loved through the web with a strong emotional impact.
“CILENTO ON THE ROAD” -As you never seen- want to represent Cilento unreservedly, without shadows, conditionings, global logic, politics and boundaries, free to live in the world and then be relived physically through a natural touristic flow.

The site is multilingual with authorial, original and critical contents of Domenico Volpe, attentive lover of his homeland.
A perfect combination of the art of tradition represented by a love of photography, understood as wise direction of a really uncontaminated by value and the most advanced media technology for the dissemination of such work as viral culture in the world.The web project aims to creative story of this spectacular land and become a cultural reference and a tourism incubator thanks to a virtuous cycle of synergy.
Whether looking through the paper volumes (available on request) that admiring the digital photo book on the site, giving the illusion of living an eternal moment in which everyone is able to stop and listen, managing to capture a part of through a close introspective moment.

The web tool will allow you to reach many more people who will appreciate the pure beauty of these untouched places, away from everyday stress, preserved from all contamination and often not perceived by our distraction.

The artist involves the audience in a suggestive way, accompanying him to the knowledge and rediscovery of secluded hamlets, forgotten names or unpublished, faces patients palaces which maintain intact their ancient nobility.It is not a simple photo gallery accompanied by historical and cultural analysis but for Cilento becomes an opportunity to regain possession of their identity and an amazing enrichment for the rest of humanity.

The historical presentation of each village is offered in the original language of the opera written thanks to the retrieval of these authoritative sources and persisted research on ancient books.
PIETRO EBNER, Chiesa Baroni e Popolo  del Cilento, Edizione di storia e letteratura, Roma 1982 
PIETRO EBNER, Storia di un feudo del mezzogiorno la baronia di Novi , Edizione di storia e letteratura, Roma 1973
MATTEO MAZZIOTTI, La baronia del Cilento,1904,  Libreria Antiquaria  Editrice W.Casari Salerno
GIUSEPPE ANTONINI, La Lucania discorsi di Giuseppe Antonini barone di San Biase Vol. I e Vol. II, 1795,  Arnoldi Forni Editori
COSTANTINO GATTA, Memorie topografico – storiche della Provincia di Lucania, 1732, Forni Editore Bologna
LORENZO GIUSTINIANI, Dizionario geografico – ragionato del Regno di Napoli 1797, Forni Editore Bologna
SCIPIONE MAZZELLA, Descrittione del Regno di Napoli 1601,  Forni Editore Bologna
CARMINI FIMIANI, Commentariolvs DE SVBFEVDIS ex ivre longobardico et neapolitano 1787, originale dell’epoca

Carmine Serrafaithful friend of the artist wandering in Cilento
Bambino Cammarano for giving photos “basilian monastery ruins” of Santa Barbara for giving photos of De Curtis Palace in Roccagloriosa
Associazione Omnia of San Nicola di Centola for text on the village for the study «Ettore Majorana»

Cultural Association "Cilento on the road"

Via S. Anna, 20 - 84050 Rocca Cilento (SA) - Italy