The festival is known for its procession that takes place at the grotto dell 'angelo with the participation of many pilgrims from the various countries of the neighboring territory. On friday held a fair that starts from the cave and winds to the country while every wednesday evening a mass is celebrated in a place dedicated to the archangel michael. The 'may 8th is the date of the apparition of the holy and before mass, in the church of santa maria maggiore, the women wear belts made directly to people who have asked for the grace to st. Michael. Children bear the smaller belts, those built with the support of the teachers that recall the memory of the ancient traditions of the past. The vigil the day before the party, sees the influx of so many people sing the beautiful song dedicated to the angel michael. During the procession carrying the wooden statue of the 1600s up to the cave. Finally after striking fireworks in the square, it's back to the church of santa maria maggiore, where you made a last and heartfelt greeting to the statue of st. Michael.